Matlab Library

Matlab Demo Pick & Place with RRT

For familiarization with the Matlab API for the Franka Robot the pick_and_place_with_RRT.mlx demo is a good starting point.


Live Matlab Script and Figure of the pick-and-place demo.


The pick-and-place demo requires the Matlab Robotics Toolbox with Matlab \(\geq\) R2021b.

FrankaRobot Class

>> fr = FrankaRobot(<robot ip string>);

Automatic Error Recovery

>> fr.automatic_error_recovery();

Will attempt an automatic error recovery .

Get Joint Poses

>> jp = fr.joint_poses();

Will return a 7 element cell array with the current robot joint poses.

Get Robot State

>> rs = fr.robot_state();

Will return a struct will the current robot state.

Joint Point to Point Motion

>> fr.joint_point_to_point_motion(<7 element double array with target configuration>, <0 to 1 scalar speed factor>);

Will move the robot into a desired joint configuration.

Joint Trajectory Motion

>> fr.joint_trajectory_motion(<7xn double array with desired joint trajectory>);

Will move the robot based on the given desired joint trajectory.


Make sure that the current configuration of the robot maches the initial trajectory element q(1:7,1) that is passed in the function! Additionally make sure that the given trajectory is sufficiently smooth and continuous.

Gripper State

>> gs = fr.gripper_state();

Will return a struct with the current gripper state.

Gripper Homing

>> fr.gripper_homing();

Will perform a homing operation to the gripper and will return 1 if succesful.

Gripper Grasp

>> fr.ripper_grasp(width, speed, force, epsilon_inner, epsilon_outer);

Will attempt a grasp and will return 1 if the object is grasped, 0 otherwise.

Gripper Move

>> fr.gripper_move(width,speed);

Will move the gripper to a desired width position. Will return 1 if succesful, 0 otherwise.

Gripper Stop

>> fr.gripper_stop();

Will stop the current gripper operation. Will return 1 if succesful, 0 otherwise.